Yoga Classes › "downward facing dog"

  • Upward Facing Dog tutorial02:36
    Upward Facing Dog tutorial

    Andrew McGonigle

    A tutorial on Upward Facing Dog. A very common yoga pose, but often in misalignment, this tutorial will help you to gain correct alignment in this pose.

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  • Wrist Free Flow23:01
    Wrist Free Flow

    Clive Fogelman

    A gently challenging, all-levels class, that will have you engaging in space and listening carefully to your body as you move around your mat. A lovely standing flow which is entirely wrist free (no planks or downward dogs), perfect for those recovering from wrist and shoulder injuries or looking for some variety in their practice.

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  • Begin (again) 2: Make the shapes10:16
    Begin (again) 2: Make the shapes

    Adam Hocke

    Second in our beginners yoga series, in this class learning the physical language of yoga postures and develop your confidence in shapes like downward-facing dog, warrior two, side angle, triangle, warrior one, and pyramid poses. A really down to earth beginners vinyasa flow yoga class. Expect no-nonsense instruction. No expectations, no excuses, just get learning. For beginners or refreshers. You'll need a couple of bricks and a foam block.

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  • Universal Teachings 4 11:59
    Universal Teachings 4

    Alexander Filmer-Lorch

    The fourth in Alexander's universal teachings series is a meditation and mindfulness practice to create and retain healthy boundaries. There are so many examples of where boundaries are needed in life. Healthy boundaries ensure that with all of life’s challenges, we retain balance. This is a simple mindfulness practice to stay centred and balanced during a speedy day or when facing a challenging situation or event.

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  • Fun Partner Yoga25:01
    Fun Partner Yoga

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    This fun partner yoga class light hearted, because yoga doesn't have to be serious, and a lovely activity to do with friends and family. Class starts off with breathing together, then solo warm up and continues with various partner poses including, paired warrior, plank, downdog, twists and forward folds. Ends with guided relaxation. This class will make you laugh, play and have fun!

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  • Jivamukti - Face Your Fears01:19:19
    Jivamukti - Face Your Fears

    Lizzie Reumont

    A fiesty, fast-moving Jivamukti vinyasa class. This intermediate class will have you facing your fears and going for it. This hip-opening class works towards hanumanasana using the wall, so you'll be working on your hip flexors and flexibility in your hamstrings. You will need access to a wall to practice at and two bricks.

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  • PMS SOS Symptoms Softener26:12
    PMS SOS Symptoms Softener

    Lucy McCarthy

    Enjoy your surrender to this introverted time, support mind and body in its shedding releasing process, healthy menstrual flow, downward, soften abdomen to ease flow, forward bends ease gas and bloating. A largely restorative yoga class to enjoy yielding to your body's needs.

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  • Yoga Poses for Anxiety13:23
    Yoga Poses for Anxiety

    Lizzie Reumont

    Sometimes life is just overwhelming and we just need 10 minutes to move into calm. These 8 yoga poses are known to release anxiety through the body. These yoga poses for anxiety include headstand which is deeply calming for those who can, and if you're not comfortable in headstand, take downward dog or child's pose.

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  • Pranayama To Calm17:02
    Pranayama To Calm

    Bridget Woods-Kramer

    A pranayama (or breath-work) class to teach various breathing techniques which create a sense of calm. These are wonderful techniques to use when life is challenging, or when you're facing a more stressful time in your life.

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  • Upward Dog Upgrade22:33
    Upward Dog Upgrade

    Charlie Taylor-Rugman

    Open up all along your spine and learn the correct sensations in your abdomen and shoulders for the perfect upward dog. Ashtanga yogis will be in upward dog up to 60 times a day, so it's worth mastering this posture. You will need up to 3 yoga blocks and an extra, rolled up mat.

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  • Downward Dog Tutorial03:28
    Downward Dog Tutorial

    Andrew McGonigle

    Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Savasana) is probably the most famous, most popular, and most used Yoga Pose, but there's a lot going on here, so get stuck into the alignment detail here!

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  • Accomplished Acro 3: High Flying Whale To Throne03:20
    Accomplished Acro 3: High Flying Whale To Throne

    London Acro Ladies

    This transition sees the flyer move from a backbend into a seated position on the bases feet. The flyer stands with their feet either side of the bases head facing away from them. The base takes the flyer's ankles and places their feet on the upper back. The flyer is lifted into the backbend and can relax the upper body but keeps the legs strong and toes pointed. From there the base takes the sole of the Flyers feet and transitions their feet one at a time underneath the flyers bum as the flyer sits up. The flyer can then hook their feet in front of the bases shins for stability. Spotters will start to the side in a goddess stance with one arm above and one below the flyers torso moving to a warrior one stance to the back as the flyer sits up. It goes without saying that you must not attempt this until you have watched the introductory video outlining safety and spotting techniques and never try Acro Yoga in a confined area.

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  • All about the Shoulder Joint03:24
    All about the Shoulder Joint

    Andrew McGonigle

    A short tutorial class by Andrew, Dr Yogi, in which he shows us points of possible instability in the shoulder joint and how to protect our shoulders with external rotation in key yoga poses of downward dog and dancers pose.

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  • Tutorial: Wrapping the Shoulders01:46
    Tutorial: Wrapping the Shoulders

    Kristi Rodelli

    Wrapping the shoulders using shower on the wall. A great alternative to turbo dog, and brilliant for those with shoulder injuries.

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  • Beginners Brand New You12:07
    Beginners Brand New You

    Lucy McCarthy

    This class is great for starting out on your yoga journey and has been devised for those new to yoga, or who want a gentle, shorter class. A beginners dream, this class will grow your spine, deepen your breath and leave you wanting for more! You'll need a chair handy for our beginner's introduction to downward dog.

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  •  Yoga for When You Matter15:11
    Yoga for When You Matter

    Lucy McCarthy

    This is a helpful toolkit for any time you are facing a big challenge, be that a presentation at work, a job interview or even your Big Day! Lucy offers some simple steps to help you get calm and focussed. You'll work with deepening the breath, releasing tension held in the neck and belly and throat. The perfect antidote for those big day nerves.

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  •  Post Travel Yoga for Hips, Shoulders and Backs33:59
    Post Travel Yoga for Hips, Shoulders and Backs

    Zephyr Wildman

    This post-travel sequence is perfect for easing hips, shoulders and backs. Travel does create downward pressure on backs, shoulders and hips, a tightening and weakening of muscles. This class is designed to aliviate pain and discomfort from the travel or from sitting still for lengths of time. A great class after any long journey to stretch out, or indeed after a day sitting in the office.

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  • Increasing Focus Through Meditation17:45
    Increasing Focus Through Meditation

    Alexander Filmer-Lorch

    This simple guided meditation practice induces Alpha brainwave activity. Under the influence of Alpha brainwave activity the ever busy mind begins to relax and our attention shifts into a state of open focus. Best to be practised when we need to absorb and contain huge amounts of knowledge and increase our learning abilities, memory functions, as well as facing academic challenges.

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