Yoga Classes › "breathing"
Anytime Complete Yoga Class
A wonderfully indulgent full-length yoga class where you will get to do a little bit of everything. That means: flow, standing postures, arm balances, inversions, forward folds, breathing, and rest. Importantly, we will take our time ensuring the postures are well executed and mindful. But, we will still move at a steady enough pace that we can efficiently explore a wide range of different and sometimes challenging movements.
Sleep Recovery Series (5): Breathe to Relax
A tutorial of breath work practices which are gentle, adaptable and easy to remember when you want to repair your ability to rest throughout the day. Use them to drift off to sleep at night, or if you wake in the middle of the night. The first breath practice is a simple Ujjayii breath with a lengthened exhale to increase a sense of calm, then three part breathing. These techniques are perfect to practice before bed or anytime you need to relax.
Meditation: Exploring the Breath
In the fourth part in our Introduction to Meditation Series with Nikita, we learn how to explore breath patterns as a means to change the way we feel. Allow the exhale to be twice as long as the inhale to give the body a chance of releasing all the old, to make space for the fresh new oxygenated air to flow in fully. Start at an equal breath (e.g. inhale for six seconds and exhale for six seconds) then increase gradually to a ratio of 1:1.5 (e.g. inhaling for six seconds and exhaling for nine seconds). Eventually, breathing to a ratio of 1:2 (e.g. inhaling for six and exhaling for 12 seconds). Maintain for up to about 20 breaths and then return to normal breath. If you are asthmatic, you may find that it's tricky to get to the full 1:2 ratio at first, in which case stay at 1:1.5. This is another great technique you might want to use as a tool to anchor an anxious mind any time you feel overwhelmed.
Meditation: Counting the Breath
In the third part in our Introduction to Meditation series, we start to count the breath. Get settled in a comfortable spot, either sitting or lying down, and begin to count your breaths backwards from 20 to 1. Say to yourself mentally, I am breathing in 20, I am breathing out 20. I am breathing in 19, I am breathing out 19, and so on until you reach 1. If you notice your mind has wandered away from this focus, draw it back. If you lose your count, start again. If you manage to get all the way to 1, try starting at 50 next time. You might want to use this exercise as a tool to anchor an anxious mind any time you feel overwhelmed.
Meditation:Watching the Breath
In this first introduction to meditation video we use the breath as our anchor. Learn how to pay close attention to your breath and how it feels in your body; start to explore all its qualities. Get really involved in all its personality - length, depth, temperature, quality. Fully inhabit it. Breathe in, knowing you are breathing in, breathe out, knowing you are breathing out. Use it as an anchor to the present moment. The minute you notice your mind drifting off to something else, make a point of bringing it right back. Keep the focus and enjoy this meditation introduction! Watch the intruction here:
Flow Towards Freedom: Bountiful Body
A beautiful, well-round 20 minute flow yoga class to get you in your body finding joy from the simplicity of moving and breathing mindfully. Connect deeply to your body and the miracle that is it is with this wonderful, all-levels yoga class. You will need two bricks or blocks.
Honour Your Cycle: Autumn
A very gentle movement and breathing class for pre-menstrual tension. Release PMT with gentle hip-releasing yoga poses, work on emotional releases through resting poses. This class is nourishing and supportive, to give your body the rest and gentle movements it needs. You will need cushions or a bolster to support your knees during resting pose.
Honour Your Cycle: Spring
Honour completion of your bleed cycle and take time to savour the spring moment, when your energy returns, but you want to honour, not depleat your energy reserves. It's easy at this time to feel energised but this can depleat us. This nourishing, gentle yoga class focuses on breathing, mudra and gentle movements from heart to womb, letting the body soak up the benefits and class ends with a long relaxation, short yoga nidra. You will need pillows or cushions to sit on and a bolster and blankets for a long relaxation.
Rainbow Vinyasa Yellow(3): Solar Yoga Flow
A perfect morning energiser yoga class. Invigorate with the focus of fire!! This Invigorating vinyasa yoga class starts with breathwork including Kapalbhati breathing. Try some eye yoga, and mudra to centre and clense. Then build tapas (heat and focus), with a creatively sequenced fire practice focusing on backbends, core work and twists.
Yoga for Exam Stress (10): Clear Your Mind With Bumble Breath
This short class brings a breathing technique called bumble bee breath and brings a tibetan singing bowl to help you to focus on the sound to help you to clarify. It is a great technique to learn to clear the mind.
Yoga for Exam Stress (1): Fear Is Excitement Without Breath
Learn to manage your anxiety through an easy breathwork sequence. Robin talks us through a three part breathing technique to release fear and anxiety. These techniques can be done at any time you are feeling anxious, you don't need to be seated.
Alternate Nostril Breathing
A pranayama practice, breathing technique called Nadi Shodama, with is a very relaxing and cleaning breath. This alternate nostril practice is wonderful for helping the body to relax and will help to cope with anxiety or stress, and can even help with sleeplessness.
Yoga for Exam Stress (8) Wake Up and Be at your Best
The perfect class for waking up so that you can energise and focus for the day ahead. A wonderful morning yoga class or to re-charge throughout the day. Move stagnant energy around the body. Kick start your day with energy or practice in middle of the day or before you have a deadline and you feel drowsy and drained. Starting with gentle stretching and breathing exercises, with alternate nostril breathing, then moving to standing pose and modified sun salutes with backbends and balances, perfect for getting you focused.
Breath Challenge (7): Breathing for Anxiety and Stress Pt. 1
Find calm through your breath. Our breath is a monitor of our emotional state. In today's class we find how different breathing patterns can really change how we feel and can invoke a feeling of calm. Learn how to use this breathwork pattern to trick the body into thinking we are calm and relaxed even when we aren't! A fabulous technique to use for all stressful situations.
Breath Challenge (5): The Complete Effortless Breath
Learn to breathe fully with this exercise in which you'll learn how to fully empty and fill the lungs to capacity with the Complete Breath Pump Breath. As with all of the breathing exercises, please don't do these if you feel any discomfort or dizziness at all, and this exercise is not appropriate for pregnancy.
Breath Challenge (2): Understanding Your Breathing Habits
We can't fix the problem until we know what it is! In this class, the second of our breathwork course, we look at understanding chest breathing, hyperventilation and breath holding, using the mouth to breathe and accessory muscles which we shouldn't use and how this relates to stress. Note down your daily habits. From 10 minutes, we include breathing exercises from the Russian system, Systema.
Breath Challenge: Daily Breathing Exercises
These introductory breath work exercises should be done every day on the Ten Day Breath Challenge. They are a superb preparation for deeper pranayama practices and for teaching the body and mind to relax with the breath. Also recommended for beginners to yoga who are looking to understand the important breath work limb of yoga.
Breath Challenge (1): The Anatomy and Physiology of Breathing and Preparatory Exercises
The introduction to the breathwork challenge starts with a fascinating tutorial on the anatomy and physiology of how and why we breathe. This class is a stand-alone, must-view for all yoga teachers, for everyone who is suffering from anxiety, or those who would like to improve their breathwork for overall health. At nine minutes, we move onto exercises for the diaphragm and ribcage, breathing in and out through the nose or in through nose and out through the mouth to regulate breath. Happy breathing!