Yoga Classes › "warrior 2"
Be a Warrior Not a Worrier!
An alignment focused Hatha class based at the wall for standing poses, including the warrior poses. This class uses the wall, two yoga bricks and a strap to make sure that your standing poses are perfectly alighted for your body. The wall is used to give us information as to our alignment. This class is an invaluable tool for checking your standing pose alignment.
Guided Meditation 2: Inner Sense
Part two of our meditation improvers course is a guided meditation on your senses. Ideal for those who have meditated before, this meditation is an exploration of the senses. Thanks to Flow Tunbridge Wells for providing this beautiful location for filming.
Crow (2) Flowing Towards Flight
In this video we look at how we might go about best preparing the body and mind for crow pose. Once we understand the individual elements at play in this fun but challenging posture we can create a logical progression to perfect the pose in our own special way. With wrist, arm and core warm ups and moving into one leg crow. You may need a block.
Journey Towards Hanumanasana
An intermediate flow sequence to prepare the hamstrings, inner groins and extensor muscles for Hanumanasana and Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2 (flying splits).
Crow (1) Understanding the Forgotten Handstand
Crow (or Bakasana) is a handstand, although not many of us every consider this! It forms the basis of all hand balances and in this session we take look at the many factors that make crow a challenging position and how we might overcome these and refine our crow pose if we already have one. You may need 2 blocks.
Mental Aspects - Exploring Mental Strength and Flexibility
In this session of mindful movement explore the parameters and limitations of our own body with very gentle movements in a seated position with the eyes closed. More than anything else it is a misunderstanding of our mind and how it functions that causes us difficulties during asana practice. In this very gentle seated first practice we will explore some of the mind games that create resistance and how we might work through them. Watch in combination with Dan's Discussion Of The Mental Aspects Of Yoga.
Inner Axis: Sleep Health Sequence
A wonderful class to do before bed to calm and relax yourself to prepare for a deep, healthy sleep. Expect supine stretches, a calming focus on the breath and standing poses to help you to focus on deepening your breath. Practice finishes with your legs up the wall, you'll need to be near the wall for this. Enjoy and sleep well. You will need a strap or belt and 2 blocks or books.
Coming Home to Your Hips Slow Flow
A deep hips yoga class, a perfect antidote to long days spent sitting, which is about coming home to yourself. In this alignment-focused and beautifully sequenced slow flow, through working the deepest muscles of your hips and your core you will find a place you be can rest within yourself. You will need 2 blocks and a strap.
(2) Fluidity & Release: The Sacral Chakra
A super fluid flow sequence low to the earth to open you into your innate creativity and find ease in your body. Deep, hip openers reign supreme in this short but deep hip opening class.
Vinyasa SOS: Intermediate To Advanced
A short vinyasa SOS lesson teaching those who have mastered a 'level 2 vinyasa' how to take it to the next level and do the full vinyasa with integrity and alignment.
Up With The Lark
Soothing The Warrior
A creatively sequenced flow to sooth and nourish. The warrior isn't always about being driven but sometimes being patient and listening. This slow vinyasa yoga class is as soothing as it is strengthening. It's great whenever you need to be centred, or relaxed, or if you're on your moon cycle. With peak poses as dancer to warrior 3 balancing sequences, this isn't the most traditionally relaxing class, but it does find a way to feel watery with soothing qualities whilst working strongly.
Symmetrical Backbends
A Kundalini-yoga inspired flow to energise, increase creativity and inspire loving-kindness through intense heart-openings. Features pranayama (breathing) to help you move deeply and more safely into a variety of symmetrical backbends. You will need a blanket and 2 blocks.
Awakening The Warrior
Wake yourself up with this flow to awaken the warrior within you! A sequence based around warrior poses to energise, cleanse and stabilise. Intermediate level sequence including a headstand flow, only to be practiced if you're an experienced headstand practitioner. You will need a block.
Approaching The Warrior
Learn to be a warrior! An introduction to weaving the warrior for beginners or for all of us who like to get back to basics. The warrior gives us the strength to lean in to life. Now is the best time to start to approach the warrior in yourself with this warrior flow. You may need blocks.
Embodying The Warrior
Honour Your Body
A dynamic pregnancy sequence that focuses on the lower back and pelvis area together with a little bit of leg work. Plenty of resting between poses between poses to keep you going. You will need a blanket, mat, bolster and a block. Suitable for 2nd and 3rd trimester.
Mindful Moment 2: Breath
The second beginners' step into mindfulness. This easy five minutes of mindfulness invites you to focus on the breath.
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This is your yoga, your way.
Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.